Get Started With SPRUCE
Want to learn more about how to use the Spruce family?
Click through our different products to explore their video guides.

Power Wand
Watch this short video guide about the Power Wand product.
Watch this short video guide about the EZ-AIM product.
Watch this short video guide about the Spray product.
Power Spray
Watch this short video guide about the Power Spray product.
Watch this short video guide about the Refill product.
Frequently Asked
Spruce is a non-selective contact herbicide. What does that mean? A non-selective herbicide is a product formulated to kill all types of vegetation, including weeds and grasses. They are intended to be used for driveways, patios, mulch beds, etc. Contact herbicides kill only the green parts of the plant down to the root where spray has come in to contact. It's critical to spray the entire plant and all the leaves to maximize product efficacy.
The biggest difference with Spruce is that it's primarily made with water, essential oils and surfactant. It's registered with states under Section 25(b) of FIFRA (Federal Insecticide, Fungicide Rodenticide Act) and is exempt from EPA federal registration.
64oz Power Wand
- FOR BEST RESULTS: Use at the first sign of weed growth. Shield any desirable plants/grass when spraying, as overspray or drift will injure or kill contacted plants/grass. Apply when sunny and temperature is above 60°F. Slide switch to UNLOCKED position and hold paddle until product sprays. For new bottles, sprayer may take 5-10 seconds to prime. Hold nozzle about 12 inches from weeds. Spray the entire weed, including leaves and stems, until all visible parts are thoroughly wet. Foaming may occur. After use, slide switch to LOCKED position. Reapply as needed. If desirable plants/grass are accidentally sprayed, rinse off with water immediately. If liquid flow slows, consider changing batteries in sprayer (powered wand only).
64oz Manual Trigger
- FOR BEST RESULTS: Use at the first sign of weed growth. Apply when sunny and temperature is above 60°F. Adjust nozzle to ON position. For new bottles, sprayer may take multiple sprays to prime. Hold nozzle about 12 inches from weeds. Spray entire weed, including leaves and stems, until all visible parts are thoroughly wet. Foaming may occur. After use, adjust nozzle to OFF position. Reapply as needed. Shield desirable plant/grass when spraying, as overspray or drift will injure or kill contacted plants/grass. If desirable plants/grass are accidentally sprayed, rinse off with water immediately.
10oz EZ-Aim (aerosol)
- FOR BEST RESULTS: Use at the first sign of weed growth. Shield any desirable plants/grass when spraying, as overspray or drift will injure or kill contacted plants/grass. Apply when sunny and temperature is above 60°F. Adjust sprayer to UNLOCK position. Hold nozzle pointing down 12 - 24 inches from weeds. Spray entire weed, including leaves and stems, until all visible parts are thoroughly wet. Foaming may occur. After use, adjust sprayer to LOCK position. Reapply as needed. If desirable plants/grass are accidentally sprayed, rinse off with water immediately.
24oz Trigger Sprayer
- FOR BEST RESULTS: Use at the first sign of weed growth. Shield any desirable plants/grass when spraying, as overspray or drift will injure or kill contacted plants/grass. Apply when sunny and temperature is above 60°F. Adjust nozzle to ON position. Hold nozzle about 12 inches from weeds. Spray entire weed, including leaves and stems, until all visible parts are thoroughly wet. Foaming may occur. After use, adjust nozzle to OFF position. Reapply as needed. If desirable plants/grass are accidentally sprayed, rinse with water immediately.
Use at the first sign of weed growth. Visible signs of product efficacy will be seen within 1 hour. Reapply as needed.
- Spruce products can be used outdoors where weeds are prevalent. Avoid spraying directly or indirectly into water and apply when sunny. As a non-selective herbicide, it will kill both wanted and un-wanted plants. It is recommended to shield desirable plants/grass when spraying in tight areas.
- Avoid spraying this product if bees or other pollinators are actively foraging in the treatment area. Avoid spraying directly on people and pets or in the vicinity of birds, fish, and exotic pets.
- Do not use around food.
- Do not use indoors.
When used as directed, visible results on smaller weeds can be seen within a few minutes while larger weeds make take up to an hour. Visible results include browning and wilting of plant leaves. When used as directed, on average, complete death of the weed is achieved by 24 hours after application.
Ideally Spruce should be applied during a dry sunny day when the temperature is above 60°F. Pop-up rain showers often occur, and we have formulated the product to be rain proof within 10 minutes.
Our products and packages are safe for consumers and the environment when used as intended.
What do I do if I get this in my eyes?
Hold eyes open and rinse slowly and gently with water for 15-20 minutes. Remove contact lenses if present, after the first five minutes, then continue rinsing.
What do I do if I get this in my mouth?
If ingested, DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING. Rinse mouth out with water and contact a doctor or poison control center for treatment advice. Have the product label or container with you when calling a doctor or going for treatment.
What happens if I spill Spruce on my skin?
Wash thoroughly with soap and water. If irritation develops, contact a doctor for treatment advice.