64oz Manual Weed & Grass Killer

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64oz Manual Weed & Grass Killer
- Kills all types of weeds and grasses including dandelions, large crabgrass, white clover, dollarweed, and morning glory.
- Spruce goes to work instantly, showing visible results in just 1 hour.
- The worry-free weed killer, Spruce is safe for use around people and pets when used as directed.
- Great for mulch beds, driveways, pavers, and walkways. Spruce is not for use on lawns.
- Spruce is backed by the Good Housekeeping Seal.
Visible Results
Within 1 Hour
Safe for Use Around
People & Pets
Kills Weeds by
Minty Fresh

Yards for Memories, Not Weeds
Safe for use around people and pets when used as directed
Safe for bees when used as directed